Hey Palo Alto CA! We Buy I.T. will turn your electronic waste into money, from individual to corporate makes no difference. Let We Buy I.T. make an offer to buy your used Palo Alto California electronics, before you recycle your electronics waste. From laptops, desktops, cell phones, network equipment, servers, Apple & MAC desktops and laptops, etc…
sees value in your old electronics where others see only recyclable waste. Before you recycle, try to sell old electronics or I.T. Equipment, it might be reusable. One man’s waste or electronics waste can quickly be turned into cash.
Start the Process – Tell Us What You Have
Turn your old electronics into money. Simply take a few minutes to fill out our contact form and tell us a bit about the surplus electronics you have that still may have value.
We Answer in Less than 24 Hours
We will evaluate your surplus electronics waste and contact you with you within 24 hours with an offer that will hopefully keep you from having to recycle your surplus electronics.
If you feel our offer for your electronics waste is fair, we will give you directions to the next step in selling your surplus Palo Alto electronics to us.
We encourage responsible recycling in Palo Alto, If you are still interested in simply Recycling your old electronics Forerunner Recycling in Palo Alto can Help!
Palo Alto, California
Found in the northwest corner of Santa Clara County, California, Palo Alto gets its name from a coast redwood tree called the El Palo Alto which literally means palo “tree” and alto “tall” or tall tree. The city shares borders with East Palo Alto, Los Altos, Stanford, Menlo Park, Mountain View, Los Altos Hills and Portola Valley. More on Palo Alto CA
We Buy It Now in Palo Alto
Let We Will Buy It Now help your corporation with computer \ I.T. asset recovery, asset deposition, data center decommissioning, surplus asset sale, and liquidation of your high value Corporate computer \ technology assets.
Palo Alto Corporations, like yours, face a unique and very difficult situation when facing the disposal \ recycling of their used I.T. assets:
With a fragile and rapidly changing economic landscape facing Corporate America, companies face the issue of staying current with their technological needs while dealing with a fragile economic landscape, and doing this all with the concerns of proper recycling \ disposal concerns. We Will Buy It Now assist corporations with this difficult situation. We Will Buy It Now gives Corporations the ability to receive a much needed financial return for their high valued surplus technology \ computer equipment .
Three important questions that need answered:
Question 1: How does We Will Buy It Now assist in this this difficult situation that Corporations face in the disposition of their used computer \ technology equipment?
With over 25 years experience in the acquisition \ purchase, and sale of used computer \ technology equipment We Will Buy It Now have the ability to quickly and fairly purchase your used Corporate surplus computer technological equipment. With our vast experience in the purchase \ disposition \ liquidation of used computer assets, We Will Buy It Now in Palo Alto is the best and only answer to your Corporate asset recovery needs.
Question 2: What is different about We Will Buy It Now approach to asset disposition or recovery?
It is quite simply, We Will Buy It Now avoids all the smoke and mirrors that other companies use to confuse and complicate the sale of your used Corporate Technology \ computer equipment. We pay up front with certified funds when purchasing your used technology asset. Other companies want to give you a % of the sale price of your equipment, or at the very best want up to 90 days net terms to pay you in full. There are huge problems with allowing a company to take possession of your assets without payment in full. The biggest problem being that the company will reevaluate the equipment saying that your used computer equipment is worth less than originally thought. We have even seen Corporations receive an invoice for disposal fees because the evaluation of the equipment changed so greatly.
Question 3: Why sell your used asset instead of recycling?
This is the easiest and most important of the three questions. Palo Alto Corporations can no longer afford not to receive a return on their high value used surplus computer \ technology equipment. Your Corporation, like most others, must receive a return to assist in the process of staying current with their technology needs.
Call us today at 844-289-6692 to start the quick and painless process of receiving a return for your used technology \ computer equipment.
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Palo Alto, California
Found in the northwest corner of Santa Clara County, California, Palo Alto gets its name from a coast redwood tree called the El Palo Alto which literally means palo “tree” and alto “tall” or tall tree. The city shares borders with East Palo Alto, Los Altos, Stanford, Menlo Park, Mountain View, Los Altos Hills and Portola Valley.
Gaspar de Portola wrote down the earliest recorded history of Palo Alto. The Portola led expedition made their way to Monterey from San Diego on November, 1769. The group went past Monterey because of a fog and ended going up Sweeny Ridge and into San Francisco Bay. They made their way down Laguna Creek and ended up stopping at EL Palo Alto. Portola figured that the bay was too wide to cross so they retraced their steps without finding the Golden Gate entrance to the bay.
During 1827, a settler by the name of Rafael Soto and his wife Maria Barbara Espinosa de Lugo, settled near San Francisquito Creek, which is near Newell and Middlefield and they set up shop to sell goods to travelers. Rafael died in 1839 but they were given the grant to the Rancho Rinconada del Arroyo de San Fancisquito in 1841.
In 1839, Maria Luisa Soto, daughter of Rafael and Maria Mesa married John Coppinger the grantee of Rancho Canada de Raymundo which began at the Alambique Creek until Portola Valley. When Coppinger died, Maria inherited everything and married a boat captain named John Greer. Greer owned what is now Town& Country Village on Embarcadero and El Camino Real. To the west of the Soto ranch was the Rancho San Francisquito which was granted to Antonio Buelna and his wife Maria.
Meanwhile to the south, two brothers Secundino and Teodoro Robles bought the Rancho Rincon de San Francisco, the grant included the San Francisquito Creek to Alta Mesa Memorial Park and up to the Bay Marshes. While the rest of the area that is known as Palo Alto was included in the Rancho Pastoria de las Borregas which was owned by Mariano Castro. In 1853 Castro sold 250 acres of his ranch to Elisha Oscar Crosby, who named it Mayfield Farm.
The township of Mayfield was then bought by Peter Coutts and named it Ayrshire Farm, which was later bought by Jane and Leland Stanford Sr. who wanted to turn Mayfield into a school. But the people of Mayfield would not agree to ban alcohol in the town. So Stanford had to create a new Temperance town which covered the land from the Hopkins Tract to Embarcadero Road. So Stanford University officially opened on Oct. 1 ,1891.
This led to the growth of Palo Alto and soon enough Palo Alto and Mayfield were consolidated on July 6 1925. This is the explanation why Palo Alto has 2 downtown areas.
Palo Alto is also a primary hub of Silicon Valley. Companies like Hewlett Packard, Xerox, Ning, AOL Inc., Mashable, Palantir Technologies, CPI International, Rave Wireless, Skype, Nokia Research Center and The Wall Street Journal to name a few, have main offices in Palo Alto.